Tuscan Ridge
Tuscan Ridge, a planned development of up to 100 condominiums on 23 acres of land at 5600 S. Hatch Road, has a long history on the bluff.
The approved development plans would all but eliminate the most popular access point to the Bluff. The gently sloped road that hikers, bikers, and dog walkers now use will be gated. An extremely challenging trailhead is suggested in plans but would be prohibitively expensive to build.
We are asking for your help to conserve this property in its current state: Parking for 30 vehicles, an amazing view, and irreplaceable trails.

If you're interested in helping Friends of the Bluff assemble the financial support to conserve this property, or know people FOB should contact, please send an email to SaveTheRidge@FriendsOfTheBluff.org or call Phil Larkin at 509-670-4649. Your response will be confidential.
If you are interested in contributing to Friends of the Bluff’s efforts with this property and/or our access improvements at Rocket Gulch and the Qualchan Golf Course, you can do so by clicking the button below.